Setting Up a Campaign

Setting up a campaign with FirstPromoter is seamless and can be done in just a few clicks. During the onboarding process, you will create your first campaign. Each campaign generates a unique signup link that can be shared with your affiliates. When they sign up, FirstPromoter creates a unique referral link using the website URL you provide. Affiliates can then share their referral link with potential customers.

Click Tracking

Click tracking on FirstPromoter works after adding the main tracking script to your website. It works only once when a user visits a referral link by sending a click event to FirstPromoter.

Referral Tracking

Referral tracking occurs when a lead is captured on your website and sent to FirstPromoter after they sign up or fill out a form. This is achieved via the referral tracking script or API, which requires you to send the referral email address or UID to FirstPromoter.

When a lead visits with a referral link, two cookies, _fprom_tid and _fprom_refare set in their browser. These cookies have a default lifespan of 60 days (adjustable in the Admin panel) and are essential for the referral tracking script to function.

Sales Tracking

Sales tracking is crucial for calculating commissions for affiliates. By default, FirstPromoter automatically tracks sales from providers like Stripe,Chargebee,Braintree (subscriptions),Recurly, Paddle by listening to and cross-referencing events sent from the billing provider. For other billing providers or custom setups, we provide an API to send sales events to FirstPromoter.